From poetry to crafting to music, art is the perfect way to express our emotions and help us heal. Check out our resources for healing through art, and view past art projects made by participants in our previous in person workshops.


The above tracks are from MindRight Radio. Mind Right Money Management(R) is a financial education company that blends psychology, music and personal finance founded by Ash Cash Exantus, one of the nation’s top financial educators. Below is another playlist of empowering songs from MindRight Radio, specially curated for WAAR’s members by Roxanne. To hear more from MindRight Radio, visit their website here.

Speak with the Pen Poetry Corner

Our Speak with the Pen Poetry Corner was inspired by one of our Healthy Teen Task Force (now defunct) members in 2009.

She shared with the group how her stepfather had sexually violated her. At another meeting, she shared that she was in therapy, and her therapist told her it was good that she was part of the Task Force.

She wrote a poem about the abuse she experienced, now our Inaugural Poem. Thank you for your courage, Winter! She is now happily married with three adorable children.

We would love to hear you “Speak with Your Pen.”

Submit poem(s) to info@waarheals.me for approval. If we select your submission, we will send you a release form that must be completed before posting.

No poems with vulgar or hateful language will be accepted, and there will be no monetary compensation. You will share your gift with many who need to hear your words!

Art Projects

Below are previous artworks made by participants during a workshop held at our Physical Healing Space back in 2017. If you’re interested in creating some art yourself, click here to see a list of various healing art projects you can do at home.

"What's Behind Your Mask?" Workshop

what behind your mask image

"From Where I Sit: My Life As A Chair!" Workshop

From where I sit My life as a chair image

"No MORE Tears: Squares of Healing, Hope, and Survival!" Workshop

No More Tears Image

"Bottles, Bead, and Dolls" Workshop

Bottles, Bead, and Dolls

Decoupaged Plates Artshop

Decoupaged Plates

WAAR at Black Nurses Association Event

WAAR at Black Nurses image

Healing Space Reunion and Rebirth

Healing Space Reunion