Young Girl

By Winter R. Hurst

Young girl, just arriving development

The father of her siblings; she calls him her own

She’s seen her share of many men; their imperfection seems to prosper

“Why is it that all women are attracted to the wrong?” she thinks?

Her mother loves him dearly

“I hope he doesn’t make a move on me”

“I know he really cares for me”

“But what about the past incident when no one was really there for me?”

Young girl

Continues maturity, slow as a turtle’s race

She’s not the only one noticing; her father begins to intake

Young girl

Has been through things but never like this

Young girl

Has no one to run to because he tells her, “It was only a friendly kiss”

Young girl

Has cried, has tried, but her secret remains sealed

Young girl

Tries to forget the past, but her wound is infected with pain; it cannot heal

Young girl

Has stepped in a new stage, he calls it their fun

Young girl

Is trapped like caged bird, sadly there is nowhere to run

But what I always wondered…and what really gets to me. Just maybe…what would you

do if that young girl was me?

…. Just maybe?